Here is a standalone file, which is fully executable in any browser (and ready to be hacked).
It's typically the kind of example I dreamed to find at the beginning of my diving. But resources are, on the web, a huge soup of different versions. But remember : angular is in alpha ;-)
This example expose some concepts:
use of ES5 (classic javascript), cause I did't want to fight with all others concepts, to focus on a2 only ;-)
a custom pipe
Parent & nested child components
Share infos to child thru properties and content (transclude)
a custom event (to notify parent from a child event)
an external service (auto-injected), to deal with datas (model).
Hope it could help someone.
<script src=""></script>
function MyService() {
var liste=[];
return {
all:function() { return liste.slice(0) },
add:function(x) { liste.push(x) },
sub:function(idx) { liste.splice(idx,1) },
var MyPipe = ng
constructor: function () {},
transform(val) { return "**"+val+"**";}
var ItemComponent = ng
selector: 'item',
properties: ["index"],
template: `
{{index}} ) <ng-content></ng-content>
<button (click)='onDeleteme($event)'>X</button>
directives: [ng.CORE_DIRECTIVES],
constructor: function () {
this.deleteme = new ng.EventEmitter();
onDeleteme:function(event) {;
var AppComponent = ng
selector: 'app',
bindings : [MyService],
template: `
<input #name/> <button (click)='mys.add(name.value)'>Add</button>
<div *ng-for='#i of mys.all(); var index=index'>
<item [index]="index + 1" (deleteme)="mys.sub(index)">{{i | mypipe}}</item>
directives: [ng.CORE_DIRECTIVES,ItemComponent],
pipes: [MyPipe]
constructor: [MyService, function (mys) {